A combat resurrection or “brez” is one of the most valuable tools a World of Warcraft party can have at its disposal. Some classes have the ability to bypass the out-of-combat requirement to bring an ally back from the dead, making them essential for tricky raids and battles.
Healing and resurrections might make you think of classes like Paladins, but there’s a wide variety of classes that can bring their allies back from the other side. This wide variety gives parties more options for getting back on their feet if something goes wrong in a Mythic+ dungeon group.

VALORANT takes place on a futuristic version of Earth—well, technically, two versions of Earth—where cities and landmarks have become battlegrounds. The presence of a precious substance known as radianite has caused these spots to become hotbeds for conflict.
A real-life location inspires each of the maps in VALORANT, with some in the middle of a major city and others in completely remote locations. Conveniently, all VALORANT maps have coordinates attached to them on the loading screen, so you can pinpoint exactly where these maps are.

Timewalking events in World of Warcraft give players a chance to dive into scaled-up PvE content from previous expansions and experience their dungeons and raids as if they were current. These dungeons and raids reward Timewarped Badges, which are essential for mount collectors to farm.
Picking up every Timewalking mount in WoW will take some time and effort, but it’s well worth the grind as they’re some of the most striking collector’s items in the game. Here are all the Timewalking mounts currently available in World of Warcraft to add to your collection.

League of Legends has plenty of different statistics that you should know before you start climbing the ranked ladder. In the end, the more knowledgeable you are about the game, the more wins you ought to gather. One pivotal stat is Lethality.

Lethality is a statistic in League that is most closely associated with attack damage champions and their ability to burn through enemy champions’ armor. Lethality was introduced to the game in 2017 as a replacement for the old flat armor penetration system and is not to be confused with the current percentage-based armor penetration mechanic.

Spooky season is upon us, which means the next major holiday coming to World of Warcraft is Hallow’s End.
Perhaps the most iconic and beloved WoW holiday among the player base, Hallow’s End is Azeroth’s version of Halloween. The holiday features trick-or-treating, interesting collector’s items, and the chance to snag one of the rarest mounts in the game from the Headless Horseman.

Hallow’s End is World of Warcraft‘s take on Halloween, giving players the chance to celebrate the best time of the year while hunting down rare achievements and seasonal collector’s items.
While the event has undergone several changes in recent years, one thing has remained the same—the Headless Horseman’s mount is still one of the most sought-after cosmetic items in the game, and it’s just as tricky to get your hands on as ever.

Bloodlust is perhaps the most iconic spell in World of Warcraft. The party-or-raid-wide effect that boosts all players’ Haste by 30 percent is the strongest cooldown in the game. Whether you’re using it at the top of a boss fight when all of your teammates have their biggest abilities off-cooldown or during the final phase of an encounter in hopes of getting that last shred of damage onto a boss, Bloodlust is a valuable tool that’s essentially a necessity for all PvE content.
Only four classes have a Bloodlust effect naturally baked into their kit: Shaman, Mage, Hunter, and Evoker. The effect is the same across the board, meaning any one of these classes can bring the same level of equal value to a raid or dungeon group.

Raids in World of Warcraft are the bread and butter of the endgame. After leveling your character through the entirety of Azeroth, raids—considered the ultimate challenge that WoW has to offer—await you at the end of an expansion.
For many players, raiding is one of the only things that keep them logging into WoW week after week, and the release of a new raid is an opportunity to re-discover their passion for the game. That constant progression from normal difficulty up to Mythic has been something that’s driven WoW players for decades. Whether you’re pursuing gear, a seasonal achievement, or a good time with your guildmates, raiding is the go-to endgame for countless WoW players.

Skill slots (or Ability slots, as the game calls them) are really important in Diablo 4. There are a lot of skills and abilities in Diablo 4, and it can sometimes feel like you don’t have enough skill slots, especially early in the game.
Thankfully, there are ways to unlock more, but only in the early stages of the leveling experience. If you’re expecting to have a wide-ranging hotbar with countless ability slots, you’re likely going to be out of luck.

World of Warcraft’s latest expansion, The War Within, is probably one of the most ambitious Blizzard has put out. With so many expansions, it’s tricky to track when each expansion was released and in what order.
So, here’s a quick refresher on when each expansion launched in release order.