This November, Marvel Snap<\/em>‘s season known as “Higher, Further, Faster” revolves around some of the Marvel universe’s intergalactic characters, perfectly timed with the release of the film The Marvels<\/em>. One of the cards being released this season is Gladiator, a powerful space creature.<\/p>
Gladiator, whose given name is Kallark, belongs to the Strontian race. He has purple skin, wears a cape, and flies around the galaxy to battle and take care of business. Gladiator possesses a number of abilities, such as superhuman strength and x-ray vision. These powers can only be used if he is completely devoted to serving a purpose, and they increase or decrease depending on his level of confidence. <\/p>
In Marvel Snap<\/em>, his card can either make or break your game. Here are the best Gladiator decks in Marvel Snap<\/em>. <\/p>