You gain XP for completing League <\/em>matches, as well as Mastery points on the champion you’ve chosen. After reaching point milestones, you can unlock Mastery Levels. The highest levels, Executioner and Deathmaster, require a lot of Points, as well as S tokens given for outstanding performances. <\/p>
Those last levels are hard to reach, but the system has been in place for several years now and many players completed them with their mains some time ago. In 2022, the developer added Eternals as a new way to show off your Mastery with specific stats, but they haven’t met the expected success. In addition, they aren’t free, contrary to Mastery Levels.<\/p>
Riot Games will explore new paths to make Mastery more rewarding for those champions that summoners have been playing for hundreds, or even thousands, of hours. However, players seem circumspect of the proposed changes. <\/p>