A whole bunch of starter Pok\u00e9mon have made their return in Pok\u00e9mon Scarlet <\/em>and Violet’s The Indigo Disk <\/em>DLC and we’re here to tell you exactly how you can catch Snivy.<\/p>
The Generation V grass-type may not be the most desirable starter from the long list of returning Pok\u00e9mon that have become available in The Indigo Disk <\/em>but catching one is necessary for completing your Pok\u00e9dex. Getting hold of a Snivy can be a challenge but we’re here to make the task less complicated for you.<\/p>

Snivy and other returning starter Pok\u00e9mon are not immediately available in Scarlet <\/em>and Violet’s The Indigo Disk <\/em>DLC, so there is some work to do before you can start rolling back the years and ticking some favorites off your list.<\/p>