Of the 108 Pok\u00e9stops available, according to some players around the LA area who are documenting all 109 spots, a small selection is currently spawning inside Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California. The only way anyone would be able to find and spin these Pok\u00e9stops is by paying to get into the park and traversing a large section of it, and for those looking to just play Pok\u00e9mon Go<\/em> and spin all 108 of the Pok\u00e9stops during the weekend’s festivities, it creates a Disney-sized Paywall to find them all.<\/p>
Of course, only needing to find 10 means the Pok\u00e9mon won’t be completely locked off from being caught. But it still creates a problem for the small group of trainers hoping to find all 108 during their trip. Granted even without the Disney-exclusive Pok\u00e9stops that still leaves at least 90+ to find around the LA area. So this will likely not affect the majority of people going to LA just for Go Tour.<\/p>