The HRM-9 suffers from a difficult-to-control recoil pattern, so our loadout focuses on improving accuracy without losing mobility. To start, the L4R Flash Hider<\/strong> and Folding Stock<\/strong> improves recoil and gun kick control. Meanwhile, the Princeps Long Barrel<\/strong> improves bullet velocity and range and removes some aiming idle sway. <\/p>
Next, to keep up with other close-range meta options, the DR-6 Handstop<\/strong> provides improved handling and mobility at the small cost of hip-fire spread and aim walking steadiness. <\/p>
A 30-round magazine isn’t enough to take down multiple enemies with 300 health fully armored, so we recommend bumping that ammo count up to 50. Finally, don’t worry about using an attachment slot on an optic, as the HRM-9’s iron sights resemble the Grau’s iconic, clean sightline from the original Warzone<\/em>. <\/p>