Apex Legends\u2019 <\/em>latest event offers one of its biggest collection shops yet, with two new permanent additions to any collector’s arsenal. A total of 36 new legend and weapon skins are featured in the Shadow Society collection event, including a new heirloom weapon and customizable Death Box.<\/p>
The biggest prize during the event is the Cobalt Katar Artifact Heirloom weapon<\/a>, the first permanent universal Heirloom weapon in Apex<\/a><\/em>. The Mythic has a small chance of dropping from any event pack obtained during Shadow Society, and does not require completion of the entire collection. Players who collect all 36 items in the Shadow Society event shop are rewarded with the Cobalt Death Box, another new universal customization option that can be applied to all legends, and decorates any eliminated enemy\u2019s Death Box with a unique gold paint and skull.<\/p>
Shadow Society runs from March 26 to April 16<\/a>, giving players three weeks to rack up event currency, complete the reward tracker, buy event packs in the reward store, and obtain their favorite skins before they become available for standard purchase in the Mythic Shop or disappear for good. Here are all of the skins you can collect in the Shadow Society event.<\/strong><\/p>