Yesterday’s devstream showed off the upcoming BRAVE Arsenal weapons and teased “limited-time variants” of them, which will only be available until the next expansion. Despite its thorough level of detail, the broadcast didn’t outright mention a time-gate, though the vendor screen for Arcite 99-40 only showed a fraction of the arsenal available.<\/p>
While time-gating content has been standard practice for Destiny 2 <\/em>for years, releasing the new weapons gradually and without previous warning may have blindsided fans, especially since the topic went unaddressed in the hour-long broadcast the day before. Additionally, time-gating weapons during the run-up to The Final Shape <\/em>means players will have less time to earn the limited variants, since they will only be available until the expansion’s release on June 4.<\/p>
For now, the six weapons available on April 9 are:<\/p>