In the series, contestants on a game show looking to win a big cash prize play twisted takes on children’s games where if you win, you proceed in the games. But if you lose, well, let’s just say you take home more than shame. Spoiler alert: You die.<\/p>
This concept brings up some fun possibilities for the collab beyond the assumed store bundles. Previous collabs contained skins inspired by the IPs, along with weapon blueprints, weapon stickers, and other cosmetics. But the potential for Squid Game<\/em>-like limited time modes is enough to cause hype.<\/p>
If you haven’t seen the show, there’s a game where the contestants play something similar to “Red Light, Green Light,” where anyone caught moving is shot dead instantly. Other video games have used this concept before, but it would be fun to see how it is iterated in CoD.<\/em><\/p>