How to unlock all achievements in The Stanley Parable<\/h2> The Freedom Ending is key to achieving your speed run. Screenshot by Dot Esports<\/figcaption><\/figure> Click on door 430 five times<\/h4>
Simply clicking on this door five times won’t give you the achievement. Instead, you need to follow the Narrator’s order to unlock this. The order is:<\/p>
- Click on door 430 five times.<\/li>
- Click on door 430 20 times.<\/li>
- Click on door 430 50 times.<\/li>
- Click on door 317 20 times.<\/li>
- Click on door 437 three times.<\/li>
- Click on door 415 10 times.<\/li>
- Go to door 437.<\/li>
- Interact with the copy machine.<\/li>
- Go to door 417.<\/li>
- Go onto 419’s desk.<\/li>
- Click on door 416 once.<\/li>
- Return to the copy machine.<\/li>
- Click on door 430 five times.<\/li> <\/ol>
Go to Options <\/strong>on the main menu and select Extras<\/strong>. Enable Achievement <\/strong>from here to unlock this Steam achievement.<\/p>
Go Outside<\/h4> If you picked The Stanley Parable <\/em>up recently and want this achievement, you can launch the game and exit, then go to “Date & Time<\/strong>” in Time & Language settings to manually adjust the date to five years in the future, giving you this achievement once you relaunch the game. You need to disable the “set the time automatically” feature so you can manually change the date in your settings.<\/p>
Speed run – Freedom Ending guide<\/h4> Play through the game as you normally would up until you enter 2 8 4 5<\/strong> on the keypad behind the desk in manager’s office. Going through this quickly will annoy the Narrator, who plays calming new-age music to delay your speed run attempt while you wait for the secret area to open. Once inside the elevator, you need to descend to the bottom, leave it, and start the playthrough from the beginning. The Narrator will open the secret doors automatically when you enter the manager’s office this time around. Again, take the elevator down, leave, and begin the game again by selecting this option on the pause screen. <\/p>
Keep restarting the game until you get a different starting screen than the standard one. This will move you closer to the left and right doors, removing a bunch of time spent where you’d normally be walking. The secret door will be open, letting you into the elevator, and down into the Mind Control Facility. Turn off the Mind Control in Facility Power to get the Freedom Ending.<\/p>
Unachievable<\/h4> Open Steam library and right click on The Stanley Parable<\/em>. Select Properties and go to Local Files. Browse Local Files to find thestanleyparable <\/strong>folder. Select cfg <\/strong>and right-click config.cfg<\/strong>. Hit Open with Notepad <\/strong>and then Enter at the end of the page. Input bind “x” “~;_u”<\/strong> then save the file as read-only. Launch the game on Steam and start a new playthrough. Interact with anything using X and wait for the achievement to unlock.<\/p>
All The Stanley Parable achievements, summarized<\/h3> Remember the code 2845 to reach the Mind Control Facility quickly. Screenshot by Dot Esports<\/figcaption><\/figure> Achievement<\/th> Description<\/th> How to unlock<\/th><\/tr><\/thead> Beat the game<\/strong><\/td> “Complete The Stanley Parable<\/em>.”<\/td> Get any ending in The Stanley Parable<\/em>. The fastest to get is Freedom Ending<\/strong>, achieved by listening to the Narrator.<\/td><\/tr> Welcome back!<\/strong><\/td> “Quit the game and then start it again.”<\/td> Launch the game and start a playthrough. Quit and relaunch the game to get this achievement.<\/td><\/tr> You can’t jump<\/strong><\/td> “No seriously, we disabled it.”<\/td> Keep pressing spacebar <\/strong>in-game.<\/td><\/tr> Achievement<\/strong><\/td> “This is an achievement.”<\/td> Enable Achievements <\/strong>in the Options <\/strong>menu.<\/td><\/tr> Click on door 430 five times.<\/strong><\/td> “Click on door 430 five times.”<\/td> Follow the Narrator’s instructions after clicking on door 430 five times for this achievement.<\/td><\/tr> 8888888888888888<\/strong><\/td> “888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888.”<\/td> Enter 8 8 8 8<\/strong> twice on the keypad behind the desk in manager’s office.<\/td><\/tr> Go outside<\/strong><\/td> “Don’t play The Stanley Parable for five years.”<\/td> Launch the game, then exit and manually change the Date & Time<\/strong> forward by five years. Relaunch the game to update the date and unlock this achievement.<\/td><\/tr> Speed run<\/strong><\/td> “Complete The Stanley Parable in under 4 minutes 22 seconds (not including load times).”<\/td> Get the Freedom Ending.<\/td><\/tr> Unachievable<\/strong><\/td> “It is impossible to get this achievement.”<\/td> Go into config.cfg<\/strong> on thestanleyparable<\/strong> folder in Stanley Parable<\/em> Local Files. Input new line bind “x” “~;_u”<\/strong> in the Notepad to alter the config. Go into the game and use X for this achievement.<\/td><\/tr> Commitment<\/strong><\/td> “Play The Stanley Parable for the entire duration of a Tuesday.”<\/td> Launch the game before 00:00 Tuesday. Keep the game on for the entire day. Achievement is unlocked Wednesday at 00:00.<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/figure>
Click on door 430 five times<\/h4>
Simply clicking on this door five times won’t give you the achievement. Instead, you need to follow the Narrator’s order to unlock this. The order is:<\/p>
- Click on door 430 five times.<\/li>
- Click on door 430 20 times.<\/li>
- Click on door 430 50 times.<\/li>
- Click on door 317 20 times.<\/li>
- Click on door 437 three times.<\/li>
- Click on door 415 10 times.<\/li>
- Go to door 437.<\/li>
- Interact with the copy machine.<\/li>
- Go to door 417.<\/li>
- Go onto 419’s desk.<\/li>
- Click on door 416 once.<\/li>
- Return to the copy machine.<\/li>
- Click on door 430 five times.<\/li> <\/ol>
Go to Options <\/strong>on the main menu and select Extras<\/strong>. Enable Achievement <\/strong>from here to unlock this Steam achievement.<\/p>
Go Outside<\/h4>
If you picked The Stanley Parable <\/em>up recently and want this achievement, you can launch the game and exit, then go to “Date & Time<\/strong>” in Time & Language settings to manually adjust the date to five years in the future, giving you this achievement once you relaunch the game. You need to disable the “set the time automatically” feature so you can manually change the date in your settings.<\/p>
Speed run – Freedom Ending guide<\/h4>
Play through the game as you normally would up until you enter 2 8 4 5<\/strong> on the keypad behind the desk in manager’s office. Going through this quickly will annoy the Narrator, who plays calming new-age music to delay your speed run attempt while you wait for the secret area to open. Once inside the elevator, you need to descend to the bottom, leave it, and start the playthrough from the beginning. The Narrator will open the secret doors automatically when you enter the manager’s office this time around. Again, take the elevator down, leave, and begin the game again by selecting this option on the pause screen. <\/p>
Keep restarting the game until you get a different starting screen than the standard one. This will move you closer to the left and right doors, removing a bunch of time spent where you’d normally be walking. The secret door will be open, letting you into the elevator, and down into the Mind Control Facility. Turn off the Mind Control in Facility Power to get the Freedom Ending.<\/p>
Open Steam library and right click on The Stanley Parable<\/em>. Select Properties and go to Local Files. Browse Local Files to find thestanleyparable <\/strong>folder. Select cfg <\/strong>and right-click config.cfg<\/strong>. Hit Open with Notepad <\/strong>and then Enter at the end of the page. Input bind “x” “~;_u”<\/strong> then save the file as read-only. Launch the game on Steam and start a new playthrough. Interact with anything using X and wait for the achievement to unlock.<\/p>
All The Stanley Parable achievements, summarized<\/h3>
Remember the code 2845 to reach the Mind Control Facility quickly. Screenshot by Dot Esports<\/figcaption><\/figure> Achievement<\/th> Description<\/th> How to unlock<\/th><\/tr><\/thead> Beat the game<\/strong><\/td> “Complete The Stanley Parable<\/em>.”<\/td> Get any ending in The Stanley Parable<\/em>. The fastest to get is Freedom Ending<\/strong>, achieved by listening to the Narrator.<\/td><\/tr> Welcome back!<\/strong><\/td> “Quit the game and then start it again.”<\/td> Launch the game and start a playthrough. Quit and relaunch the game to get this achievement.<\/td><\/tr> You can’t jump<\/strong><\/td> “No seriously, we disabled it.”<\/td> Keep pressing spacebar <\/strong>in-game.<\/td><\/tr> Achievement<\/strong><\/td> “This is an achievement.”<\/td> Enable Achievements <\/strong>in the Options <\/strong>menu.<\/td><\/tr> Click on door 430 five times.<\/strong><\/td> “Click on door 430 five times.”<\/td> Follow the Narrator’s instructions after clicking on door 430 five times for this achievement.<\/td><\/tr> 8888888888888888<\/strong><\/td> “888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888.”<\/td> Enter 8 8 8 8<\/strong> twice on the keypad behind the desk in manager’s office.<\/td><\/tr> Go outside<\/strong><\/td> “Don’t play The Stanley Parable for five years.”<\/td> Launch the game, then exit and manually change the Date & Time<\/strong> forward by five years. Relaunch the game to update the date and unlock this achievement.<\/td><\/tr> Speed run<\/strong><\/td> “Complete The Stanley Parable in under 4 minutes 22 seconds (not including load times).”<\/td> Get the Freedom Ending.<\/td><\/tr> Unachievable<\/strong><\/td> “It is impossible to get this achievement.”<\/td> Go into config.cfg<\/strong> on thestanleyparable<\/strong> folder in Stanley Parable<\/em> Local Files. Input new line bind “x” “~;_u”<\/strong> in the Notepad to alter the config. Go into the game and use X for this achievement.<\/td><\/tr> Commitment<\/strong><\/td> “Play The Stanley Parable for the entire duration of a Tuesday.”<\/td> Launch the game before 00:00 Tuesday. Keep the game on for the entire day. Achievement is unlocked Wednesday at 00:00.<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/figure>