The 90-100 FOV range offers a decent balance between screen real estate and overall performance. You should prefer a value around this range if you have experienced any performance drawbacks with the maximum FOV settings or any visual discomfort.<\/p>
Despite being less popular, some professional players prefer playing with FOV values from this range, meaning it isn’t any less competitively viable than higher FOV values.<\/p>
You’ll experience a less-tunneled vision with a 90-100 FOV, making the game feel slightly more realistic.<\/p>
70-85 FOV<\/h2>
70-85 FOV values will noticeably decrease your vision area. Ideally, you should only use FOV settings from this range if you’re having performance problems, but if you’ve grown used to playing with values from this range and feel comfortable, there might not be a reason for you to make the change.<\/p>
Despite being less viable competitively, the 70-85 FOV range grants players a better long-range vision. This means you’ll be able to spot enemies from long distances that players with high FOV values will have difficulty noticing.<\/p>
You may feel the shortcoming of this FOV range during close-quarter skirmishes since you’ll be less likely to notice enemies coming at you from the northeast and northwest angles.<\/p>