New York and Seoul didn’t win maps by pulling out cheese, of course, and the game was marked by incredible teamwork that pushed both sides to play at their best. Seoul crushed New York on Hollywood, preventing the American team from scoring its first payload capture thanks to intense pressure from both Byung-sun “Fleta” Kim and Sang-beom “Munchkin” Byeon as Widowmaker and Tracer, respectively. Meanwhile, Excelsior’s Saebyeolbe, Libero, and Tae-hong “MekO” Kim held their own on Watchpoint: Gibraltar against Seoul Dynasty on the map’s second round, pushing Seoul back to its spawn when Dynasty was mere meters away from winning the entire series.<\/p> <\/p> <\/p>
In one of the night’s most impressive plays, Je-hong “ryujehong” Ryu even shut down Libero’s Dragonblade by using Zenyatta’s Orb Valley at just the right second, killing Libero and protecting Seoul from an unexpected Genji flank after Watchpoint: Gibraltar’s first payload capture. Fleta and Munchkin shone multiple times throughout the night as well, with Munchkin giving Saebyeolbe quite a challenge as Dynasty’s very own Tracer main.<\/p> <\/p>