Unlike other gaming series, Digimon <\/em>isn’t as straightforward in its storylines. Instead of the chronological order of one story, the Digimon <\/em>series has two stories you can play through, both of which are still getting games added to their timelines.<\/p>
In the Digimon World <\/em>series, Digimon World <\/em>is the first game. In the Digimon Stories <\/em>series, Digimon World DS <\/em>is the first game. This can make things very difficult, as the titles of the first games in both series are incredibly similar.<\/p>
If you are looking for a game that is more focused on story than gameplay, check out Digimon Stories<\/em>, but Digimon Worlds <\/em>raises the bar regarding world lore and gameplay. Without knowing the story, you wouldn’t know that you were not playing a different game series based on the gameplay. This can make it very hard to tell what game to start with or what to play next. They have only one major difference: their storylines. Both games usually share similar gameplay elements, but they follow different timelines.<\/p>
Over two decades, these series gained a large fanbase. We’ve outlined where to begin the series and what to play next to make things easier. We’ll start with Digimon World <\/em>and then move on to Digimon Stories<\/em>.<\/p>