In The Dawning event, Destiny 2<\/em> players are tasked with baking a variety of desserts for the colorful cast of characters that make up our allies across the Solar System. Baking requires a recipe, and recipes require ingredients, all of which are acquired through the only methods that Guardians know: blasting a lot of bad guys.<\/p>
Eva Levante is in the Tower once more for the event’s 2022 incarnation, where she can provide you with her Holiday Oven 2.1 to bake in. Once players have the Holiday Oven in hand, they can take on a task for her to learn how to bake and deliver cookies in the Cookie Delivery Helper quest.<\/p>
Dark Ether Cane is one of the ingredients you will learn how to use, and it can be one of the more difficult to find without knowing where to look.<\/p>