Gekko is the latest agent to join VALORANT<\/em> as of Episode Six, Act Two, which means you’re likely going to see him frequently at the start of the act during both your unrated and competitive games. And that means you’ll need to know how to beat him.<\/p>
Gekko is an initiator who equips creatures that take the form of his abilities<\/a>. Dizzy is a powerful flash that can blind multiple opponents in the creature’s line-of-sight, Wingman can stun opponents or plant or defuse the spike, Mosh Pit is a deadly molly, and the Thrash ultimate will detain enemy players. All abilities except Mosh Pit can also be picked up after use and used again in the round.<\/p>
He sounds broken at first<\/a>, but he’s not as deadly as he might seem. Dizzy, Wingman, and Thrash can all be destroyed by gunfire or damage-dealing abilities, and while Mosh Pit deals a lot of damage in a wide radius, it can be avoided.<\/p>