Destiny 2’s<\/em> Season of the Deep is letting guardians keep using Strand to wreck its enemies. Thanks to its Artifact Mods, though, season 21 is also bringing plenty of incentive for players to use Void and Arc subclasses in addition to the dark-green Darkness power.<\/p>
Artifact mods can make or break a season, as anyone who’s ever used Breach and Clear or Particle Deconstruction can tell you. Similar to how Season of Defiance had some surprises in store for Solar players (for instance, with extra Firebolt grenades), season 21 is shaping up to provide plenty of flavor for all players\u2014especially those using Void, Arc, or Strand subclasses.<\/p>
Related: What is the Nightfall weapon this week in Destiny 2<\/em>?<\/a><\/strong><\/p>