In World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic <\/em>phase three, the iconic raid Onyxia\u2019s Lair is making a return. Since this raid has been upscaled to level 80, it has updated rewards and requirements you\u2019ll need to meet before you can face off against the treacherous daughter of Deathwing.<\/p>
Still located in the wilderness of Dustwallow Marsh<\/strong>, Onyxia\u2019s Lair can be tricky to find, especially if you spend most of your time roaming the stunning streets of Dalaran. As I already mentioned though, it will be worth it since you can get various headpieces, weapons, a special mount, and even a 22-slot bag<\/strong>.<\/p>
Onyxia\u2019s Lair is a one-boss instance that can be cleared on a 10 and 25-man difficulty. If you\u2019ve never been there and you\u2019re scratching your head now because you have no clue how to connect portals and zeppelins to Dustwalllow Marsh, I got you covered. <\/p>