Some players may have expected Pok\u00e9mon Go <\/em>Fest 2023: New York City to be a copy and paste of the previous in-person events this season, but that is not the case. A decent chunk of the Special Research<\/strong> available has changed at least a little, and the featured Pok\u00e9mon won\u2019t be the same either. <\/p>
While players are out and about in New York from Aug. 18 to 20, you can expect to see rare Pok\u00e9mon like Kangaskhan<\/strong> and Aerodactyl popping up during the Habitat Rotation. <\/p>
That pairs perfectly with some of the rare raids like Xerneas and Yveltal\u2014without taking into account Mega Rayquaza descending into Mega Raids<\/strong>. And, this is all content you will want to pay attention to if you want to complete the Special Research offered for this event. <\/p>
While splitting time between the park and city experiences, as listed on your event ticket, you will have different research tasks to complete that will reward you with things like an encounter with the Mythical Pok\u00e9mon, Diancie<\/strong>, and items to Mega Evolve your Rayquaza. <\/p>