While Pok\u00e9mon Go <\/em>Fest 2023 Global is bigger than the in-person events based on sheer number of players participating, Niantic has shifted some content around to make it unique. This did result in some Special Research being highlighted while some other research was removed. <\/p>
The main point of the Go Fest Global Special Research is to give players access to various exclusive bonuses if they purchase an event ticket. This includes the first chance to catch Diancie and rewards tied to Mega Diancie and Mega Rayquaza. <\/p>
This version of the Diancie Special Research is different to how it was back during the in-person Go Fest content in Osaka, London, and New York City\u2014mainly because players aren\u2019t going to be limited to where they can be at specific hours of the day. So if you need to complete everything to do with Go Fest Global, here are all of the relevant research tasks, rewards, and additional event bonuses. <\/p>