A new Pok\u00e9mon Go <\/em>season is here, which means Niantic is giving players tons of incentive to come back and enjoy the game for another three-month stretch of content. This includes providing everyone a chance to earn a second Master Ball<\/strong> even if they already got one when the ultimate capture tool was originally released. <\/p>
At the start of the Adventures Abound season on Sept. 1 and until Nov. 21 at 8pm local time, players can complete a set of Timed Investigation research to unlock a Master Ball that they can use to catch any Pok\u00e9mon in the game without fail<\/strong>. <\/p>
Timed Investigation: Master Ball is just the second time the item has been available for players to obtain in Pok\u00e9mon Go<\/em>, though it appears Niantic will be making it a periodic release so players aren\u2019t worried about hoarding the tool instead of using\u2014something I’m very guilty of. Here are all of the tasks you need to complete to finish this new investigation before it expires. <\/p>