Gnomeregan is the only 10-man raid available in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery, and you need to know how to get there.
Consisting of six bosses, Gnomeregan is located in Dun Morogh, the Alliance starting zone for Dwarves and Gnomes. While Alliance players can get there in no time, it’s a little tricky for the Horde to reach it.

If you’ve been playing League of Legends for some time, chances are you’ve accumulated a large amount of Blue Essence from winning games and opening capsules. This blue currency is typically used to unlock champions, but can quickly overflow after you’ve purchased all the characters on offer.
Thankfully, the Essence Emporium is a limited-time shop that rectifies this issue, making it a highly anticipated event. Here is everything you need to know about the Essence Emporium in League, including what the event entails, when it occurs, and what you can purchase during the Emporium.

Darkmoon Faire is one of the best events in World of Warcraft thanks to its wide variety of games, collectible rewards, and useful buffs. It rolls around on the first Sunday of the month, giving players a week to pick up Darkmoon Prize Tickets and other rewards.
Alongside the variety of rare pets and mounts on offer during Darkmoon Faire, players can pick up some incredibly helpful buffs if they speak to the right NPCs. Here are all the Darkmoon Faire buffs and how to get them in WoW The War Within, including the ride buff for boosted reputation and experience.

A lot is involved in being a good AD carry in League of Legends, and it’s arguably the most mechanically skilled role. The best ADC for each patch changes by the minute, with the meta and item adjustments constantly adding variance to the bot lane.
ADCs come in all shapes and sizes, and you must pick the correct one to match the composition your team is looking to play. If you are looking for a long-range poke, choose Caitlyn, and if you want a lategame hyper-carry, Vayne. It also depends on personal preference. Here are the five best League ADCs in Patch 14.21.

Several top laners counter each other in League of Legends; some vary in strength based on the current meta, while others vary depending on matchups.
For top laners, three archetypes of champions fluctuate as the meta changes: Hypercarries, support-style champions, and split-pushers. We’ll break down each one of these archetypes and then show you the six best top lane champions in League.

VALORANT’s map pool has consistently grown since its release, continuously challenging us to learn the new hiding and lurking spots and allowing us to get creative with our favorite agents.
While maps like Breeze offer long sightlines suited for Operators or rifles, other maps like Split feature claustrophobic hallways with close-quarter combat. There is a VALORANT map for every type of player, and new maps are constantly added to the game.

You can make almost anything you want in Infinite Craft, including Gay. Infinite Craft is a rich browser game that aims to spark your creativity. There are over 200,000 recipes in the game, but we’re focusing on one in this article. Here’s how to make Gay in Infinite Craft.
How to make Gay in Infinite Craft

While Infinite Craft has plenty of simple recipes that only require a couple of elements, there are complex ones that require over 100 steps. The Gay element lies somewhere in between.

WoW Dragonflight brought a lot of innovation to the game. Apart from the new race, zones, dungeons, and raids, the expansion also added a new way to traverse the world—Dragonriding. But what about regular flying? Is it available in this expansion?
Can you unlock regular flying in WoW Dragonflight?

Yes, you can unlock regular flying in Dragonflight. As of Patch 10.2, which launched on Nov. 7, 2023, regular flying is available. You no longer have to gain momentum, level up your abilities, and keep an eye on your stamina bar. Simply summon your mount, fly up, and just stay in mid-air. Dragonriding isn’t going anywhere, but regular flying is the way to go if you want to casually fly around without worrying too much about speed and momentum.

In World of Warcraft Dragonflight, jewelers can upgrade pieces of gear, particularly necklaces, by adding gems that grant items additional stat bonuses. Though this benefit was unique to jewel crafters before Dragonflight, the profession’s talent tree has made this ability more sought after.
If you want to maximize your gear by adding gem sockets in WoW Dragonflight, here’s what you need to do.

World of Warcraft Dragonflight is packed with lore, and navigating all the campaign quests can be demanding, especially when returning to the game after a while.
Separated from the rest of the world for 10,000 years, the Dragon Isles became a fabled place only a few have heard of, and even fewer visited it. But once one of the watchers activates the Beacon of Tyr, removing the mists enveloping the isles from the curious eyes, the Dragon Isles become once again accessible.