The Druid might be one of the most undervalued classes in Baldur’s Gate 3. With the ability to cast spells, wear good armor, and turn into an Owlbear, you can’t go wrong with these wise warriors. That said, there are Druid subclasses that reign supreme in any campaign.
You’ll want to be mindful about which subclass you wish to pick for your Druid. Are you going to serve as a frontline tank? Will you primarily deal damage? Or do you want them to rely on their spells to change the course of a battle? You have to consider these questions for your Druid, and these are the best Druid subclasses you can pick in Baldur’s Gate 3 to help answer those questions.

Warlocks can serve a Baldur’s Gate 3 party very well as a Charisma-based damage dealer using little more than a cantrip. But the best Warlock builds must know what feats they must work with to make a good choice at level four, eight, or 12.
Warlocks are Charisma-based spellcasters with the potential for melee combat with a specific build. Their usual method of dealing damage is through the Eldritch Blast cantrip, a powerful and spam-worthy spell that fires multiple beams. Regardless of how you play a Warlock, though, there are a handful of feats that sit out as some of best choices you always want to consider for this particular spellcaster. Here are the best feats you can choose to use as a Warlock in BG3.

The Wizard of Waterdeep, the Thoughtful Thaumaturge, Gale the Magic User. Baldur’s Gate 3‘s wizard companion can be a powerful addition to your party. To make him so, you’ll need to give him a good build. Luckily, we’ve got all the info you could need.
Be forewarned that this guide may touch on some spoilers of Gale’s questline.

The abrasive githyanki Lae’zel can be one of the first companions who joins your party as you progress through Baldur’s Gate 3. You initially meet while on the Illithid ship, but she becomes a permanent party member shortly after you crash land.
Given how she acts, you can avoid adding her to your party if you don’t appreciate her attitude. However, if you can get past her rough exterior, she becomes a formidable ally who can greatly assist you throughout your playthrough. As a Fighter, Lae’zel is a tough combatant and shines as a frontline adversary, protecting your team and taking the battle to any foe who crosses your path. Building her to get the most out of her combat prowess can be challenging. Here’s what you need to know about making the best Lae’zel build in Baldur’s Gate 3.

The Monk is one of the more challenging classes to build as a multiclass in Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s a class that prefers having no armor, and only a handful of weapons actively work to benefit from its open-hand playstyle. However, there are a few choices you can meld together with it.
A few classes have exceptional synergies with unarmed strikes and the Monk in general which make them very enticing. It all comes down to the type of character you want to play, what your party needs while you’re playing, and how you’re hoping to synergize with your companions. Thankfully, you can always speak with Withers if you want to reconsider your choices. These are some of the best multiclass options for Monk in Baldur’s Gate 3.

The Monk class in Baldur’s Gate 3 utilizes few weapon and armor choices, but provides massive damage to their unarmed attacks via buffs. They can become a solid party member, providing support through damaging multiple enemies or by stunning specific targets.
However, without a proper build, these characters can feel like they are less than an ideal choice on the battlefield. If you want to utilize the Monk properly, there are some things you want to consider for your character. You want to think about your playstyle, how to use it, what abilities you can optimize, and the classes of your other party members. Here’s everything you need to know about how to build a Monk in Baldur’s Gate 3.

The mysterious Black Knights of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree wield their Black Steel Greathammers to great effect in the Shadow Realm. When you wield it, you can fell gods. Let’s go over the best ways to make your Black Steel Greathammer effective.
Best stats for the Black Steel Greathammer in Elden Ring

These stats were calculated on a level 150 Confessor. Most classes can readily get to this statline by level 160, so don’t worry about starting a brand-new character to access this build relatively early in Shadow of the Erdtree.

Sometimes, to defeat your enemy, you must make a sacrifice—whether or not that sacrifice is mental or very, very physical. Seppuku in Elden Ring takes that lesson to its illogical conclusion, to exceptional results.
Where to find Seppuku in Elden Ring

Seppuku is an Ash of War found on the frozen lake in the Mountaintop of the Giants, to the far northeast of the Elden Ring map. From the Freezing Lake Site of Grace, ride due east. There’s a group of trees where an Invisible Scarab runs through. Follow his tracks and wait for him with a move that deals a lot of damage in an area of effect, such as a Dragon Incantation.

The Talisman slot in Elden Ring is a highly competitive field with many different options to fill. These Talismans can often make-or-break the build, providing upwards of 50 percent damage or damage reduction depending on your choices of jewelry.
Let’s touch on 10 Elden Ring Talisman options that are consistently useful for multiple builds—providing a baseline and foundation for more specific options or allowing builds to exist in the first place.

The blades that hunger for redemption, the golden flashes of death. Euporia is a Legendary Twinblade from Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree that’s perfect for building around. Let’s make it work.
Euporia is a Twinblade whose attacks get stronger whenever you hit a non-undead enemy. With enough hits, your Weapon Skill fires Holy lasers while your weapon deals extra damage. You can only get this Twinblade in the last few areas of Shadow of the Erdtree. If you haven’t found the weapon yet, check out our detailed guide to Euporia’s location in Elden Ring‘s DLC.