When you hit level 20 as an Alliance player in WoW Classic<\/em>\u2019s Season of Discovery, you\u2019ll be met with a choice of two zones, and you\u2019ll have to decide where you should level next. <\/p>
At this point in the leveling process, the two most prominent zones for Alliance players are Duskwood<\/strong> and the Wetlands<\/strong>\u2014and it\u2019s possible, if not likely, that you\u2019ll be splitting time between them. The Alliance leveling experience in Classic WoW <\/em>lends itself to time-splitting, with many zones requiring you to make multiple visits on your hunt for experience. With not as much narrative and fewer step-by-step quests in chains as there are in modern WoW<\/em>, the Classic <\/em>experience is more about fragmented visits to different zones\u2014and the same case can definitely be made for the Wetlands and Duskwood.\u00a0<\/p>
It\u2019s also likely that you\u2019ve already been splitting time between the dwarven zones in the northern section of the Eastern Kingdoms and the human zones in the southern portion of the continent. Just as you likely went back and forth between Westfall and Loch Modan between levels 10 and 20, you\u2019ll be doing the same with the Wetlands and Duskwood from 20 to 25 (and further once the level cap increases in SoD phase two). <\/p>