“At first, ‘The Boys Club\u2019 was the name given to a select few individuals who caused constant problems for the game\u2019s development, and the term was collectively agreed upon by some members of the team to feel a sense of comradery,” Henderson said. “But a couple of years later, that group grew to a dozen or so both male and female individuals, and its term has evolved into something much more bitter in the studio.”<\/p>
Allegedly, it’s gotten so bad that the “unnecessary changes” made by the aforementioned club has increased the game’s development time by an estimated two years. The source pointed to a lack of work ethic, egos, and inexperienced employees “given directorial powers because of personal friendships” causing issues within the development teams.<\/p>
Henderson says the environment fostered at Ubisoft has given some developers “responsibilities beyond their original job descriptions, told to work tedious hours of overtime to complete tasks, and are often shrugged aside when suggestions don\u2019t align with the views of the higher-ups,” according to sources.<\/p>