Specifically, the developers have noticed that “both Support heroes need to focus solely on the Tank just to keep them alive,” causing situations where all three players feel chained to each other throughout the match. This creates scenarios where certain damage dealers receive no help from their supports, or damage-dealing supports like Illari can not freely move around the map to attack the enemy team.<\/p>
The developers continued, discussing different hero metrics they are tracking and including a new chart for the “tankiness” of every hero in the game. This tracks how often characters die throughout a match and how quickly they are defeated. The data is then compared to the number of times a hero is expected to die in any given match.<\/p>
By using this newfound data, the developer team has concluded that every tank hero is significantly less tanky than previously, and assures players they are “putting together a patch that is targeted at increasing the tankiness of many of these heroes.” After announcing their plans for a tank update, the developers also laid out their philosophy for hero balance, stating that they enjoy hero-specific changes instead of roster-wide updates. <\/p>