Rotating habitats are a staple of Pok\u00e9mon Go<\/em> Fest<\/strong>, and they’re returning for the 2024 Global event with four different habitats appearing every couple of hours, each with their own unique Pok\u00e9mon spawns.<\/p>
These habitats only appear on the first day of the event to allow trainers to find specific Pok\u00e9mon to complete their Pok\u00e9dex or increase the odds of finding a Shiny Pok\u00e9mon they might be after. These habitats include Dawn Meadow<\/strong>, Shining Day<\/strong>, Creeping Dusk<\/strong>, and Darkest Night<\/strong>.<\/p>
The Dawn Meadow habitat<\/strong> spawns from 10am to 11am and 2pm to 3pm local time on July 13 and includes the following Pok\u00e9mon, which can all be Shiny, except for one.<\/p>