Niantic has done branching paths like this before in Pok\u00e9mon Go<\/em>. Typically, the divided rewards don’t offer too many changes, but the Legendary Heroes event directly changes specific elements of the event. Fortunately, players won’t have to choose between Zacian or Zamazenta, the Legendary Pok\u00e9mon from the Galar Region. Instead, it’s merely the more common Pok\u00e9mon encounters.<\/p>
The Timed Research where players choose the Sword or Shield path is not a purchased ticket. It should be available to all Pok\u00e9mon Go <\/em>players. The event begins on Sept. 26 at 10am in player’s local area.<\/p>
Those who pick the Shield path receive encounters with Larvitar, Lotad, Croagunk, Solosis, Spritzee, and Oranguru, with a Collection Challenge centered on them. If a Pok\u00e9mon Go<\/em> player chooses to go down the Sword path, Seedot, Scraggy, Gothita, Deino, Swirlix, and Passiman will appear when using Incense, with a Collection Challenge centered around catching these Pok\u00e9mon.<\/p>