The biggest disappointments of last year’s Worlds was the performance of North American teams.<\/p>
Sure, Europe had its failings too and required tremendous luck to send a team into the semifinals. But none of those squads had praise heaped on them like North America’s teams. TSM was (again) called the best team in the history of NA<\/a>. The same had been said of CLG<\/a> that year, and nobody wanted to play Cloud9 after their run through the NA LCS summer playoffs.<\/p> <\/p>
All summer, TSM had relied on bot and mid lane control to give Svenskeren avenues into the enemy jungle. Svenskeren is not the most creative jungler, but in the LCS, TSM could use brute force to take control of the map. That control enabled them to out-macro their opponents, making plays while not sacrificing farm.<\/p> <\/p>