Silver Heart<\/h4> - ADMIN Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional ADMIN unit. Gain a Camille. <\/li>
- Aegis Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Aegis unit. Gain a Vi. <\/li>
- Anima Squad Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Anima Squad unit. Gain a Jinx. <\/li>
- Brawler Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Brawler unit. Gain a Vi. <\/li>
- Defender Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Defender unit. Gain a Rell.<\/li>
- Duelist Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Duelist unit. Gain a Fiora.<\/li>
- Gadgeteen Heart<\/strong>: Gain a Gadgeteen emblem and a Poppy. Can only appear at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- Hacker Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Hacker unit. Gain a Pyke.<\/li>
- Heart Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Heart unit. Gain a Lee Sin.<\/li>
- InfiniTeam Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional InfiniTeam unit. Gain a Sivir. <\/li>
- Mascot Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Mascot unit. Gain a Malphite.<\/li>
- Ox Force Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Ox Force unit. Gain a Fiora.<\/li>
- Prankster Heart<\/strong>. Your team counts as having one additional Prankster unit. Gain a Jinx. <\/li>
- Quickdraw Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Quickdraw unit. Gain an Ezreal.<\/li>
- Renegade Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Renegade unit. Gain a Camille.<\/li>
- Spellslinger Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Spellslinger unit. Gain an Annie.<\/li>
- Sureshot Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Sureshot unit. Gain a Sivir.<\/li>
- Star Guardian Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Star Guardian unit. Gain a Rell. <\/li> <\/ul>
Gold tier Set 8.5 Augments<\/h3> - Ascension<\/strong>: After 15 seconds of combat, your champions deal 50 percent more damage.<\/li>
- Axiom Arc:<\/strong> When your units kill an enemy they gain 30 mana.<\/li>
- Blue Battery<\/strong>: Disabled during Patch 3.13 and remains disabled. Grants 10 mana with each cast and eight ability power. <\/li>
- Calculated Loss<\/strong>: After losing a round of combat, gain two gold and a free shop refresh.<\/li>
- Clear Mind<\/strong>: If you have no champions on the bench at the end of a round, gain three experience points at the end of player combat rounds.<\/li>
- Cluttered Mind<\/strong>: Gain four random tier-one champions. If your bench is full at the end of a round of combat, gain three experience points at the end of player combat rounds. <\/li>
- Combat Training<\/strong>: Your champions permanently gain one attack damage every time they kill an enemy unit. Champions start with eight percent attack damage. <\/li>
- Component Grab Bag<\/strong>: Gain three random item components.<\/li>
- Hustler<\/strong>: Instead of gaining interest, you get three gold at the beginning of each player combat round. <\/li>
- Jeweled Lotus<\/strong>: Magic and true damage from your unit’s abilities can critically strike. Your champions gain a 20 percent critical strike chance. <\/li>
- Last Stand<\/strong>: The first time you would die, instead drop to one health. After this effect triggers, your units gain 180 health, 18 armor and magic resistance, and 18 percent Omnivamp. <\/li>
- Metabolic Accelerator<\/strong>: Your Tactician moves faster and heals two health after a PvP round. <\/li>
- Phony Frontline<\/strong>: Gain two Target Dummies.<\/li>
- Portable Forge<\/strong>: Choose one of three Ornn Artifacts from an Armory.<\/li>
- Rich get Richer<\/strong>: Gain 12 gold. Your maximum interest is increased to seven.<\/li>
- Rich get Richer Plus<\/strong>: Gain 20 gold. Your maximum interest is increased to seven.<\/li>
- Salvage Bin<\/strong>: Gain a random completed item now and a random completed component after seven player combat rounds. Selling units will break apart their full items into components (excluding Tactician’s Crown). Only offered at Stage 2-1. <\/li>
- Salvage Bin Plus<\/strong>: Gain a random completed item now and a component after four, player combat rounds. Selling units will break apart their full items into components<\/li>
- Sunfire Board<\/strong>: At the start of combat, burn all enemies for 10 percent of their maximum health over the course of 20 seconds and reduce healing received by 33 percent. <\/li>
- Three’s Company<\/strong>: Gain three random three-cost champions.<\/li>
- Trade Sector<\/strong>: Gain a free shop refresh each round.<\/li>
- Trade Sector Plus<\/strong>: Gain a free shop refresh each round and gain 10 gold.<\/li>
- True Twos<\/strong>: Gain one random two-star tier one champion and one random two-star tier two champion.<\/li> <\/ul>
Gold Crest, Heart, and Threat<\/h4> - Ace Crest<\/strong>: Gain an Ace emblem and a Draven. Only shows up at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- ADMIN Crest<\/strong>: Gain an ADMIN emblem and a Blitzcrank.<\/li>
- Aegis Crest<\/strong>: Gain an Aegis emblem and a Vi. <\/li>
- Anima Squad Crest<\/strong>: Gain an Anima Squad emblem and a Sylas.<\/li>
- Brawler Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Brawler emblem and a Lee Sin.<\/li>
- Defender Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Defender emblem and a Poppy.<\/li>
- Duelist Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Duelist emblem and a Yasuo.<\/li>
- Gadgeteen Crest<\/strong>: Grants a Gadgeteen emblem and an Annie. Can only appear at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- Hacker Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Hacker emblem and two gold.<\/li>
- Heart Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Heart emblem and two gold.<\/li>
- LaserCorps Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Lasercorps unit. Gain a Yasuo. Can only appear at Stage 4-2. <\/li>
- LaserCorps Crest<\/strong>: Gain an LaserCorps emblem and a Yasuo.<\/li>
- Mecha: PRIME Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Mecha: PRIME emblem and a Draven.<\/li>
- Mascot Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Mascot emblem and a Yuumi.<\/li>
- Ox Force Crest<\/strong>: Gain an Ox Force emblem and an Annie. <\/li>
- Prankster Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Prankster emblem and a Jinx.<\/li>
- Renegade Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Renegade emblem and a Lucian.<\/li>
- Riftwalker Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Riftwalker emblem and two gold. <\/li>
- Spellslinger Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Spellslinger emblem and an Annie.<\/li>
- Star Guardian Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Star Guardian emblem and a Rell.<\/li>
- Sureshot Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Sureshot emblem and a Sivir<\/li>
- Underground Crest<\/strong>: Gain an Underground emblem and a Vi.<\/li>
- Supers Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Supers unit. Gain a Malphite. <\/li>
- Underground Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Underground unit. Gain a Vi. <\/li>
- Threat Level Maximum<\/strong>: At the start of combat, Threat units gain 66 maximum health for every Threat that you control on the board. <\/li> <\/ul>
Prismatic tier Set 8.5 Augments<\/h3> - Binary Airdrop<\/strong>: Your champions equipped with two items temporarily gain a random completed item at the start of combat. Gain one random item component.<\/li>
- Birthday Present<\/strong>: Gain a two-star champion every time you level up. The champions tier is your level minus four with a minimum of tier-one. <\/li>
- Cursed Crown<\/strong>: Gain a maximum team size of plus-two and take 100 percent increased player damage upon losses. <\/li>
- Cruel Pact<\/strong>: Buying XP costs six health instead of gold. Heal three health after each combat round. <\/li>
- Golden Ticket<\/strong>: Each time your shop is refreshed, you have a 50 percent chance to gain a free refresh.<\/li>
- High-End Shopping<\/strong>: Champions appear in your shop if you were one level higher. Gain three gold. <\/li>
- High Roller<\/strong>: Removed. <\/li>
- Living Forge<\/strong>: Gain a random Ornn Artifact item now and after every 10 player combats. <\/li>
- Lucky Gloves<\/strong>: Thief’s Gloves will always give your champions the items they want. Gain two Sparring Gloves. <\/li>
- March of Progress<\/strong>: Gain two bonus experience points immediately and experience points at the start of each player combat round equal to the current player level. You can no longer use gold to level up. Only offered at Stages 3-2 and 4-2. <\/li>
- New Recruit<\/strong>: Gain one maximum team size. <\/li>
- Radiant Relics<\/strong>: Choose one of five Radiant items from an Armory. <\/li>
- The Golden Egg<\/strong>: Gain a golden egg on your bench that hatches in 10 turns. If you win against an opponent during combat, receive a bonus turn. <\/li>
- Think Fast<\/strong>: Shop refreshes are free until the end of this round. Traits and other Augments do not benefit from these free shops. Gain three gold. <\/li>
- Threat level Maximum<\/strong>: At the start of combat, gain 60 maximum health for each Threat champion on your board. <\/li>
- Vedant Veil<\/strong>: Your units are immune to crowd control effects for the first 20 seconds of combat. All units gain 15 percent attack speed. <\/li>
- Windfall<\/strong>: Gain 20 gold.<\/li>
- Windfall Plus<\/strong>: Gain 35 gold.<\/li>
- Windfall Plus-Plus<\/strong>: Gain 40 gold.<\/li>
- Wise Spending<\/strong>: Gan two experience points when you refresh your shop. <\/li>
- Woodland Charm<\/strong>: Your highest health champion is cloned. Clones can’t hold items. <\/li> <\/ul>
Prismatic Crown and Soul<\/h4> - ADMIN Crown<\/strong>: Gain an ADMIN emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Camille.<\/li>
- Ace in the Hole<\/strong>: Gain an Ace Emblem, a Draven, a Miss Fortune, and a Samira. This can only show up at Stage 4-2. <\/li>
- Aegis Crown<\/strong>: Gain an Aegis emblem, a Redemption, and an Alistar.<\/li>
- Anima Squad Crown<\/strong>: Gain an Anima Squad emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Riven.<\/li>
- Brawler Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Brawler emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Riven<\/li>
- Spellslinger Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Spellslinger emblem, a Jeweled Gauntlet, and a Sona.<\/li>
- Civilian Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Civilian emblem, a Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and a Sivir.<\/li>
- Defender Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Defender emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Riven.<\/li>
- Duelist Crown<\/strong>: Removed in Patch 13.4. Gain a Duelist emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Nilah<\/li>
- Gadgeteen Crown<\/strong>: Grants a Gadgeteer emblem. Gain an Ionic Spark and an Annie. Can only appear at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- InfiniTeam Crown<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional InfiTeam unit. gain a Guinsoo’s Rageblade and a Sivir.<\/li>
- Hacker Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Hacker emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a LeBlanc.<\/li>
- Heart Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Heart emblem, a Guardbreaker, and a Sona.<\/li>
- Lasercorps Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional LaserCorps unit, gain a Hand of Justice, and a Senna. Can only appear at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- Mascot Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Mascot emblem, a Gargoyle’s Stoneplate, and a Malphite.<\/li>
- Mecha: PRIME Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Meca: PRIME emblem, a Bloodthirster, and a Jax.<\/li>
- Ox Force Crown<\/strong>: Gain an Ox Force emblem, a Titan’s Resolve, and an Alistar.<\/li>
- Quickdraw Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having an extra Quickdraw unit. Gain a Jeweled Gauntlet and an Ezreal. <\/li>
- Prankster Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Prankster emblem, a Titan’s Resolve, and a Gnar.<\/li>
- Renegade Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Renegade emblem, a Blood Thirster, and a Camille.<\/li>
- Riftwalker Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Riftwalker emblem, Sparring Gloves, and a Pyke. <\/li>
- Sureshot Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Sureshot emblem, an Infinity Edge, and a Sivir.<\/li>
- Supers Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Supers unit. Gain a Titan’s Resolve and a Lee Sin.<\/li>
- Spellslinger Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Spellslinger emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Sona.<\/li>
- Star Guardian Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Star Guardian emblem, a Tear of the Goddess, and a Nilah. <\/li>
- Underground Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Underground unit. Gain a Zz’Rot Portal, and an Ezreal. <\/li> <\/ul>
Update Dec. 6 1pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT <\/em>Set Eight Augments were adjusted based on changes from Patch 12.23. <\/p>
Update Dec. 14 1:30pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT <\/em>Set Eight Augments were updated following the 12.23 B-patch<\/a>. <\/p>
Update Jan. 1 1pm CT<\/strong>: Set Eight Augment odds were updated with data from to Mortdog<\/a>. <\/p>
Update Feb. 9 11:15am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set Eight Augments were updated for Patch 13.3<\/a>.<\/p>
Update Feb. 22 2:45pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set Eight Augments were updated following Patch 13.4<\/a>. <\/p>
Update March 21 3:45pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT Set 8.5 Augments were updated for Patch 13.6<\/a>.<\/p>
Update April 5 10:25am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated for Patch 13.7<\/a>.<\/p>
Update May 3 11:45am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated following the release of Patch 13.9<\/a>. <\/p>
Update May 19 10:30am CT:<\/strong> All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated following the release of Patch 13.10<\/a>.<\/p>","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"
Gold tier Set 8.5 Augments<\/h3> - Ascension<\/strong>: After 15 seconds of combat, your champions deal 50 percent more damage.<\/li>
- Axiom Arc:<\/strong> When your units kill an enemy they gain 30 mana.<\/li>
- Blue Battery<\/strong>: Disabled during Patch 3.13 and remains disabled. Grants 10 mana with each cast and eight ability power. <\/li>
- Calculated Loss<\/strong>: After losing a round of combat, gain two gold and a free shop refresh.<\/li>
- Clear Mind<\/strong>: If you have no champions on the bench at the end of a round, gain three experience points at the end of player combat rounds.<\/li>
- Cluttered Mind<\/strong>: Gain four random tier-one champions. If your bench is full at the end of a round of combat, gain three experience points at the end of player combat rounds. <\/li>
- Combat Training<\/strong>: Your champions permanently gain one attack damage every time they kill an enemy unit. Champions start with eight percent attack damage. <\/li>
- Component Grab Bag<\/strong>: Gain three random item components.<\/li>
- Hustler<\/strong>: Instead of gaining interest, you get three gold at the beginning of each player combat round. <\/li>
- Jeweled Lotus<\/strong>: Magic and true damage from your unit’s abilities can critically strike. Your champions gain a 20 percent critical strike chance. <\/li>
- Last Stand<\/strong>: The first time you would die, instead drop to one health. After this effect triggers, your units gain 180 health, 18 armor and magic resistance, and 18 percent Omnivamp. <\/li>
- Metabolic Accelerator<\/strong>: Your Tactician moves faster and heals two health after a PvP round. <\/li>
- Phony Frontline<\/strong>: Gain two Target Dummies.<\/li>
- Portable Forge<\/strong>: Choose one of three Ornn Artifacts from an Armory.<\/li>
- Rich get Richer<\/strong>: Gain 12 gold. Your maximum interest is increased to seven.<\/li>
- Rich get Richer Plus<\/strong>: Gain 20 gold. Your maximum interest is increased to seven.<\/li>
- Salvage Bin<\/strong>: Gain a random completed item now and a random completed component after seven player combat rounds. Selling units will break apart their full items into components (excluding Tactician’s Crown). Only offered at Stage 2-1. <\/li>
- Salvage Bin Plus<\/strong>: Gain a random completed item now and a component after four, player combat rounds. Selling units will break apart their full items into components<\/li>
- Sunfire Board<\/strong>: At the start of combat, burn all enemies for 10 percent of their maximum health over the course of 20 seconds and reduce healing received by 33 percent. <\/li>
- Three’s Company<\/strong>: Gain three random three-cost champions.<\/li>
- Trade Sector<\/strong>: Gain a free shop refresh each round.<\/li>
- Trade Sector Plus<\/strong>: Gain a free shop refresh each round and gain 10 gold.<\/li>
- True Twos<\/strong>: Gain one random two-star tier one champion and one random two-star tier two champion.<\/li> <\/ul>
Gold Crest, Heart, and Threat<\/h4> - Ace Crest<\/strong>: Gain an Ace emblem and a Draven. Only shows up at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- ADMIN Crest<\/strong>: Gain an ADMIN emblem and a Blitzcrank.<\/li>
- Aegis Crest<\/strong>: Gain an Aegis emblem and a Vi. <\/li>
- Anima Squad Crest<\/strong>: Gain an Anima Squad emblem and a Sylas.<\/li>
- Brawler Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Brawler emblem and a Lee Sin.<\/li>
- Defender Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Defender emblem and a Poppy.<\/li>
- Duelist Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Duelist emblem and a Yasuo.<\/li>
- Gadgeteen Crest<\/strong>: Grants a Gadgeteen emblem and an Annie. Can only appear at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- Hacker Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Hacker emblem and two gold.<\/li>
- Heart Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Heart emblem and two gold.<\/li>
- LaserCorps Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Lasercorps unit. Gain a Yasuo. Can only appear at Stage 4-2. <\/li>
- LaserCorps Crest<\/strong>: Gain an LaserCorps emblem and a Yasuo.<\/li>
- Mecha: PRIME Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Mecha: PRIME emblem and a Draven.<\/li>
- Mascot Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Mascot emblem and a Yuumi.<\/li>
- Ox Force Crest<\/strong>: Gain an Ox Force emblem and an Annie. <\/li>
- Prankster Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Prankster emblem and a Jinx.<\/li>
- Renegade Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Renegade emblem and a Lucian.<\/li>
- Riftwalker Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Riftwalker emblem and two gold. <\/li>
- Spellslinger Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Spellslinger emblem and an Annie.<\/li>
- Star Guardian Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Star Guardian emblem and a Rell.<\/li>
- Sureshot Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Sureshot emblem and a Sivir<\/li>
- Underground Crest<\/strong>: Gain an Underground emblem and a Vi.<\/li>
- Supers Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Supers unit. Gain a Malphite. <\/li>
- Underground Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Underground unit. Gain a Vi. <\/li>
- Threat Level Maximum<\/strong>: At the start of combat, Threat units gain 66 maximum health for every Threat that you control on the board. <\/li> <\/ul>
Prismatic tier Set 8.5 Augments<\/h3> - Binary Airdrop<\/strong>: Your champions equipped with two items temporarily gain a random completed item at the start of combat. Gain one random item component.<\/li>
- Birthday Present<\/strong>: Gain a two-star champion every time you level up. The champions tier is your level minus four with a minimum of tier-one. <\/li>
- Cursed Crown<\/strong>: Gain a maximum team size of plus-two and take 100 percent increased player damage upon losses. <\/li>
- Cruel Pact<\/strong>: Buying XP costs six health instead of gold. Heal three health after each combat round. <\/li>
- Golden Ticket<\/strong>: Each time your shop is refreshed, you have a 50 percent chance to gain a free refresh.<\/li>
- High-End Shopping<\/strong>: Champions appear in your shop if you were one level higher. Gain three gold. <\/li>
- High Roller<\/strong>: Removed. <\/li>
- Living Forge<\/strong>: Gain a random Ornn Artifact item now and after every 10 player combats. <\/li>
- Lucky Gloves<\/strong>: Thief’s Gloves will always give your champions the items they want. Gain two Sparring Gloves. <\/li>
- March of Progress<\/strong>: Gain two bonus experience points immediately and experience points at the start of each player combat round equal to the current player level. You can no longer use gold to level up. Only offered at Stages 3-2 and 4-2. <\/li>
- New Recruit<\/strong>: Gain one maximum team size. <\/li>
- Radiant Relics<\/strong>: Choose one of five Radiant items from an Armory. <\/li>
- The Golden Egg<\/strong>: Gain a golden egg on your bench that hatches in 10 turns. If you win against an opponent during combat, receive a bonus turn. <\/li>
- Think Fast<\/strong>: Shop refreshes are free until the end of this round. Traits and other Augments do not benefit from these free shops. Gain three gold. <\/li>
- Threat level Maximum<\/strong>: At the start of combat, gain 60 maximum health for each Threat champion on your board. <\/li>
- Vedant Veil<\/strong>: Your units are immune to crowd control effects for the first 20 seconds of combat. All units gain 15 percent attack speed. <\/li>
- Windfall<\/strong>: Gain 20 gold.<\/li>
- Windfall Plus<\/strong>: Gain 35 gold.<\/li>
- Windfall Plus-Plus<\/strong>: Gain 40 gold.<\/li>
- Wise Spending<\/strong>: Gan two experience points when you refresh your shop. <\/li>
- Woodland Charm<\/strong>: Your highest health champion is cloned. Clones can’t hold items. <\/li> <\/ul>
Prismatic Crown and Soul<\/h4> - ADMIN Crown<\/strong>: Gain an ADMIN emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Camille.<\/li>
- Ace in the Hole<\/strong>: Gain an Ace Emblem, a Draven, a Miss Fortune, and a Samira. This can only show up at Stage 4-2. <\/li>
- Aegis Crown<\/strong>: Gain an Aegis emblem, a Redemption, and an Alistar.<\/li>
- Anima Squad Crown<\/strong>: Gain an Anima Squad emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Riven.<\/li>
- Brawler Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Brawler emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Riven<\/li>
- Spellslinger Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Spellslinger emblem, a Jeweled Gauntlet, and a Sona.<\/li>
- Civilian Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Civilian emblem, a Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and a Sivir.<\/li>
- Defender Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Defender emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Riven.<\/li>
- Duelist Crown<\/strong>: Removed in Patch 13.4. Gain a Duelist emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Nilah<\/li>
- Gadgeteen Crown<\/strong>: Grants a Gadgeteer emblem. Gain an Ionic Spark and an Annie. Can only appear at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- InfiniTeam Crown<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional InfiTeam unit. gain a Guinsoo’s Rageblade and a Sivir.<\/li>
- Hacker Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Hacker emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a LeBlanc.<\/li>
- Heart Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Heart emblem, a Guardbreaker, and a Sona.<\/li>
- Lasercorps Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional LaserCorps unit, gain a Hand of Justice, and a Senna. Can only appear at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- Mascot Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Mascot emblem, a Gargoyle’s Stoneplate, and a Malphite.<\/li>
- Mecha: PRIME Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Meca: PRIME emblem, a Bloodthirster, and a Jax.<\/li>
- Ox Force Crown<\/strong>: Gain an Ox Force emblem, a Titan’s Resolve, and an Alistar.<\/li>
- Quickdraw Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having an extra Quickdraw unit. Gain a Jeweled Gauntlet and an Ezreal. <\/li>
- Prankster Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Prankster emblem, a Titan’s Resolve, and a Gnar.<\/li>
- Renegade Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Renegade emblem, a Blood Thirster, and a Camille.<\/li>
- Riftwalker Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Riftwalker emblem, Sparring Gloves, and a Pyke. <\/li>
- Sureshot Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Sureshot emblem, an Infinity Edge, and a Sivir.<\/li>
- Supers Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Supers unit. Gain a Titan’s Resolve and a Lee Sin.<\/li>
- Spellslinger Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Spellslinger emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Sona.<\/li>
- Star Guardian Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Star Guardian emblem, a Tear of the Goddess, and a Nilah. <\/li>
- Underground Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Underground unit. Gain a Zz’Rot Portal, and an Ezreal. <\/li> <\/ul>
Update Dec. 6 1pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT <\/em>Set Eight Augments were adjusted based on changes from Patch 12.23. <\/p>
Update Dec. 14 1:30pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT <\/em>Set Eight Augments were updated following the 12.23 B-patch<\/a>. <\/p>
Update Jan. 1 1pm CT<\/strong>: Set Eight Augment odds were updated with data from to Mortdog<\/a>. <\/p>
Update Feb. 9 11:15am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set Eight Augments were updated for Patch 13.3<\/a>.<\/p>
Update Feb. 22 2:45pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set Eight Augments were updated following Patch 13.4<\/a>. <\/p>
Update March 21 3:45pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT Set 8.5 Augments were updated for Patch 13.6<\/a>.<\/p>
Update April 5 10:25am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated for Patch 13.7<\/a>.<\/p>
Update May 3 11:45am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated following the release of Patch 13.9<\/a>. <\/p>
Update May 19 10:30am CT:<\/strong> All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated following the release of Patch 13.10<\/a>.<\/p>","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"
Gold Crest, Heart, and Threat<\/h4> - Ace Crest<\/strong>: Gain an Ace emblem and a Draven. Only shows up at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- ADMIN Crest<\/strong>: Gain an ADMIN emblem and a Blitzcrank.<\/li>
- Aegis Crest<\/strong>: Gain an Aegis emblem and a Vi. <\/li>
- Anima Squad Crest<\/strong>: Gain an Anima Squad emblem and a Sylas.<\/li>
- Brawler Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Brawler emblem and a Lee Sin.<\/li>
- Defender Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Defender emblem and a Poppy.<\/li>
- Duelist Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Duelist emblem and a Yasuo.<\/li>
- Gadgeteen Crest<\/strong>: Grants a Gadgeteen emblem and an Annie. Can only appear at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- Hacker Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Hacker emblem and two gold.<\/li>
- Heart Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Heart emblem and two gold.<\/li>
- LaserCorps Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Lasercorps unit. Gain a Yasuo. Can only appear at Stage 4-2. <\/li>
- LaserCorps Crest<\/strong>: Gain an LaserCorps emblem and a Yasuo.<\/li>
- Mecha: PRIME Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Mecha: PRIME emblem and a Draven.<\/li>
- Mascot Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Mascot emblem and a Yuumi.<\/li>
- Ox Force Crest<\/strong>: Gain an Ox Force emblem and an Annie. <\/li>
- Prankster Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Prankster emblem and a Jinx.<\/li>
- Renegade Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Renegade emblem and a Lucian.<\/li>
- Riftwalker Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Riftwalker emblem and two gold. <\/li>
- Spellslinger Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Spellslinger emblem and an Annie.<\/li>
- Star Guardian Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Star Guardian emblem and a Rell.<\/li>
- Sureshot Crest<\/strong>: Gain a Sureshot emblem and a Sivir<\/li>
- Underground Crest<\/strong>: Gain an Underground emblem and a Vi.<\/li>
- Supers Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Supers unit. Gain a Malphite. <\/li>
- Underground Heart<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Underground unit. Gain a Vi. <\/li>
- Threat Level Maximum<\/strong>: At the start of combat, Threat units gain 66 maximum health for every Threat that you control on the board. <\/li> <\/ul>
Prismatic tier Set 8.5 Augments<\/h3> - Binary Airdrop<\/strong>: Your champions equipped with two items temporarily gain a random completed item at the start of combat. Gain one random item component.<\/li>
- Birthday Present<\/strong>: Gain a two-star champion every time you level up. The champions tier is your level minus four with a minimum of tier-one. <\/li>
- Cursed Crown<\/strong>: Gain a maximum team size of plus-two and take 100 percent increased player damage upon losses. <\/li>
- Cruel Pact<\/strong>: Buying XP costs six health instead of gold. Heal three health after each combat round. <\/li>
- Golden Ticket<\/strong>: Each time your shop is refreshed, you have a 50 percent chance to gain a free refresh.<\/li>
- High-End Shopping<\/strong>: Champions appear in your shop if you were one level higher. Gain three gold. <\/li>
- High Roller<\/strong>: Removed. <\/li>
- Living Forge<\/strong>: Gain a random Ornn Artifact item now and after every 10 player combats. <\/li>
- Lucky Gloves<\/strong>: Thief’s Gloves will always give your champions the items they want. Gain two Sparring Gloves. <\/li>
- March of Progress<\/strong>: Gain two bonus experience points immediately and experience points at the start of each player combat round equal to the current player level. You can no longer use gold to level up. Only offered at Stages 3-2 and 4-2. <\/li>
- New Recruit<\/strong>: Gain one maximum team size. <\/li>
- Radiant Relics<\/strong>: Choose one of five Radiant items from an Armory. <\/li>
- The Golden Egg<\/strong>: Gain a golden egg on your bench that hatches in 10 turns. If you win against an opponent during combat, receive a bonus turn. <\/li>
- Think Fast<\/strong>: Shop refreshes are free until the end of this round. Traits and other Augments do not benefit from these free shops. Gain three gold. <\/li>
- Threat level Maximum<\/strong>: At the start of combat, gain 60 maximum health for each Threat champion on your board. <\/li>
- Vedant Veil<\/strong>: Your units are immune to crowd control effects for the first 20 seconds of combat. All units gain 15 percent attack speed. <\/li>
- Windfall<\/strong>: Gain 20 gold.<\/li>
- Windfall Plus<\/strong>: Gain 35 gold.<\/li>
- Windfall Plus-Plus<\/strong>: Gain 40 gold.<\/li>
- Wise Spending<\/strong>: Gan two experience points when you refresh your shop. <\/li>
- Woodland Charm<\/strong>: Your highest health champion is cloned. Clones can’t hold items. <\/li> <\/ul>
Prismatic Crown and Soul<\/h4> - ADMIN Crown<\/strong>: Gain an ADMIN emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Camille.<\/li>
- Ace in the Hole<\/strong>: Gain an Ace Emblem, a Draven, a Miss Fortune, and a Samira. This can only show up at Stage 4-2. <\/li>
- Aegis Crown<\/strong>: Gain an Aegis emblem, a Redemption, and an Alistar.<\/li>
- Anima Squad Crown<\/strong>: Gain an Anima Squad emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Riven.<\/li>
- Brawler Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Brawler emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Riven<\/li>
- Spellslinger Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Spellslinger emblem, a Jeweled Gauntlet, and a Sona.<\/li>
- Civilian Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Civilian emblem, a Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and a Sivir.<\/li>
- Defender Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Defender emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Riven.<\/li>
- Duelist Crown<\/strong>: Removed in Patch 13.4. Gain a Duelist emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Nilah<\/li>
- Gadgeteen Crown<\/strong>: Grants a Gadgeteer emblem. Gain an Ionic Spark and an Annie. Can only appear at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- InfiniTeam Crown<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional InfiTeam unit. gain a Guinsoo’s Rageblade and a Sivir.<\/li>
- Hacker Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Hacker emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a LeBlanc.<\/li>
- Heart Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Heart emblem, a Guardbreaker, and a Sona.<\/li>
- Lasercorps Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional LaserCorps unit, gain a Hand of Justice, and a Senna. Can only appear at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- Mascot Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Mascot emblem, a Gargoyle’s Stoneplate, and a Malphite.<\/li>
- Mecha: PRIME Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Meca: PRIME emblem, a Bloodthirster, and a Jax.<\/li>
- Ox Force Crown<\/strong>: Gain an Ox Force emblem, a Titan’s Resolve, and an Alistar.<\/li>
- Quickdraw Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having an extra Quickdraw unit. Gain a Jeweled Gauntlet and an Ezreal. <\/li>
- Prankster Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Prankster emblem, a Titan’s Resolve, and a Gnar.<\/li>
- Renegade Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Renegade emblem, a Blood Thirster, and a Camille.<\/li>
- Riftwalker Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Riftwalker emblem, Sparring Gloves, and a Pyke. <\/li>
- Sureshot Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Sureshot emblem, an Infinity Edge, and a Sivir.<\/li>
- Supers Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Supers unit. Gain a Titan’s Resolve and a Lee Sin.<\/li>
- Spellslinger Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Spellslinger emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Sona.<\/li>
- Star Guardian Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Star Guardian emblem, a Tear of the Goddess, and a Nilah. <\/li>
- Underground Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Underground unit. Gain a Zz’Rot Portal, and an Ezreal. <\/li> <\/ul>
Update Dec. 6 1pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT <\/em>Set Eight Augments were adjusted based on changes from Patch 12.23. <\/p>
Update Dec. 14 1:30pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT <\/em>Set Eight Augments were updated following the 12.23 B-patch<\/a>. <\/p>
Update Jan. 1 1pm CT<\/strong>: Set Eight Augment odds were updated with data from to Mortdog<\/a>. <\/p>
Update Feb. 9 11:15am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set Eight Augments were updated for Patch 13.3<\/a>.<\/p>
Update Feb. 22 2:45pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set Eight Augments were updated following Patch 13.4<\/a>. <\/p>
Update March 21 3:45pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT Set 8.5 Augments were updated for Patch 13.6<\/a>.<\/p>
Update April 5 10:25am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated for Patch 13.7<\/a>.<\/p>
Update May 3 11:45am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated following the release of Patch 13.9<\/a>. <\/p>
Update May 19 10:30am CT:<\/strong> All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated following the release of Patch 13.10<\/a>.<\/p>","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"
Prismatic tier Set 8.5 Augments<\/h3> - Binary Airdrop<\/strong>: Your champions equipped with two items temporarily gain a random completed item at the start of combat. Gain one random item component.<\/li>
- Birthday Present<\/strong>: Gain a two-star champion every time you level up. The champions tier is your level minus four with a minimum of tier-one. <\/li>
- Cursed Crown<\/strong>: Gain a maximum team size of plus-two and take 100 percent increased player damage upon losses. <\/li>
- Cruel Pact<\/strong>: Buying XP costs six health instead of gold. Heal three health after each combat round. <\/li>
- Golden Ticket<\/strong>: Each time your shop is refreshed, you have a 50 percent chance to gain a free refresh.<\/li>
- High-End Shopping<\/strong>: Champions appear in your shop if you were one level higher. Gain three gold. <\/li>
- High Roller<\/strong>: Removed. <\/li>
- Living Forge<\/strong>: Gain a random Ornn Artifact item now and after every 10 player combats. <\/li>
- Lucky Gloves<\/strong>: Thief’s Gloves will always give your champions the items they want. Gain two Sparring Gloves. <\/li>
- March of Progress<\/strong>: Gain two bonus experience points immediately and experience points at the start of each player combat round equal to the current player level. You can no longer use gold to level up. Only offered at Stages 3-2 and 4-2. <\/li>
- New Recruit<\/strong>: Gain one maximum team size. <\/li>
- Radiant Relics<\/strong>: Choose one of five Radiant items from an Armory. <\/li>
- The Golden Egg<\/strong>: Gain a golden egg on your bench that hatches in 10 turns. If you win against an opponent during combat, receive a bonus turn. <\/li>
- Think Fast<\/strong>: Shop refreshes are free until the end of this round. Traits and other Augments do not benefit from these free shops. Gain three gold. <\/li>
- Threat level Maximum<\/strong>: At the start of combat, gain 60 maximum health for each Threat champion on your board. <\/li>
- Vedant Veil<\/strong>: Your units are immune to crowd control effects for the first 20 seconds of combat. All units gain 15 percent attack speed. <\/li>
- Windfall<\/strong>: Gain 20 gold.<\/li>
- Windfall Plus<\/strong>: Gain 35 gold.<\/li>
- Windfall Plus-Plus<\/strong>: Gain 40 gold.<\/li>
- Wise Spending<\/strong>: Gan two experience points when you refresh your shop. <\/li>
- Woodland Charm<\/strong>: Your highest health champion is cloned. Clones can’t hold items. <\/li> <\/ul>
Prismatic Crown and Soul<\/h4> - ADMIN Crown<\/strong>: Gain an ADMIN emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Camille.<\/li>
- Ace in the Hole<\/strong>: Gain an Ace Emblem, a Draven, a Miss Fortune, and a Samira. This can only show up at Stage 4-2. <\/li>
- Aegis Crown<\/strong>: Gain an Aegis emblem, a Redemption, and an Alistar.<\/li>
- Anima Squad Crown<\/strong>: Gain an Anima Squad emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Riven.<\/li>
- Brawler Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Brawler emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Riven<\/li>
- Spellslinger Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Spellslinger emblem, a Jeweled Gauntlet, and a Sona.<\/li>
- Civilian Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Civilian emblem, a Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and a Sivir.<\/li>
- Defender Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Defender emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Riven.<\/li>
- Duelist Crown<\/strong>: Removed in Patch 13.4. Gain a Duelist emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Nilah<\/li>
- Gadgeteen Crown<\/strong>: Grants a Gadgeteer emblem. Gain an Ionic Spark and an Annie. Can only appear at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- InfiniTeam Crown<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional InfiTeam unit. gain a Guinsoo’s Rageblade and a Sivir.<\/li>
- Hacker Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Hacker emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a LeBlanc.<\/li>
- Heart Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Heart emblem, a Guardbreaker, and a Sona.<\/li>
- Lasercorps Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional LaserCorps unit, gain a Hand of Justice, and a Senna. Can only appear at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- Mascot Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Mascot emblem, a Gargoyle’s Stoneplate, and a Malphite.<\/li>
- Mecha: PRIME Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Meca: PRIME emblem, a Bloodthirster, and a Jax.<\/li>
- Ox Force Crown<\/strong>: Gain an Ox Force emblem, a Titan’s Resolve, and an Alistar.<\/li>
- Quickdraw Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having an extra Quickdraw unit. Gain a Jeweled Gauntlet and an Ezreal. <\/li>
- Prankster Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Prankster emblem, a Titan’s Resolve, and a Gnar.<\/li>
- Renegade Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Renegade emblem, a Blood Thirster, and a Camille.<\/li>
- Riftwalker Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Riftwalker emblem, Sparring Gloves, and a Pyke. <\/li>
- Sureshot Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Sureshot emblem, an Infinity Edge, and a Sivir.<\/li>
- Supers Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Supers unit. Gain a Titan’s Resolve and a Lee Sin.<\/li>
- Spellslinger Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Spellslinger emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Sona.<\/li>
- Star Guardian Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Star Guardian emblem, a Tear of the Goddess, and a Nilah. <\/li>
- Underground Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Underground unit. Gain a Zz’Rot Portal, and an Ezreal. <\/li> <\/ul>
Update Dec. 6 1pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT <\/em>Set Eight Augments were adjusted based on changes from Patch 12.23. <\/p>
Update Dec. 14 1:30pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT <\/em>Set Eight Augments were updated following the 12.23 B-patch<\/a>. <\/p>
Update Jan. 1 1pm CT<\/strong>: Set Eight Augment odds were updated with data from to Mortdog<\/a>. <\/p>
Update Feb. 9 11:15am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set Eight Augments were updated for Patch 13.3<\/a>.<\/p>
Update Feb. 22 2:45pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set Eight Augments were updated following Patch 13.4<\/a>. <\/p>
Update March 21 3:45pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT Set 8.5 Augments were updated for Patch 13.6<\/a>.<\/p>
Update April 5 10:25am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated for Patch 13.7<\/a>.<\/p>
Update May 3 11:45am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated following the release of Patch 13.9<\/a>. <\/p>
Update May 19 10:30am CT:<\/strong> All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated following the release of Patch 13.10<\/a>.<\/p>","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"
Prismatic Crown and Soul<\/h4> - ADMIN Crown<\/strong>: Gain an ADMIN emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Camille.<\/li>
- Ace in the Hole<\/strong>: Gain an Ace Emblem, a Draven, a Miss Fortune, and a Samira. This can only show up at Stage 4-2. <\/li>
- Aegis Crown<\/strong>: Gain an Aegis emblem, a Redemption, and an Alistar.<\/li>
- Anima Squad Crown<\/strong>: Gain an Anima Squad emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Riven.<\/li>
- Brawler Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Brawler emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Riven<\/li>
- Spellslinger Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Spellslinger emblem, a Jeweled Gauntlet, and a Sona.<\/li>
- Civilian Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Civilian emblem, a Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and a Sivir.<\/li>
- Defender Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Defender emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Riven.<\/li>
- Duelist Crown<\/strong>: Removed in Patch 13.4. Gain a Duelist emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Nilah<\/li>
- Gadgeteen Crown<\/strong>: Grants a Gadgeteer emblem. Gain an Ionic Spark and an Annie. Can only appear at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- InfiniTeam Crown<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional InfiTeam unit. gain a Guinsoo’s Rageblade and a Sivir.<\/li>
- Hacker Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Hacker emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a LeBlanc.<\/li>
- Heart Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Heart emblem, a Guardbreaker, and a Sona.<\/li>
- Lasercorps Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional LaserCorps unit, gain a Hand of Justice, and a Senna. Can only appear at Stage 4-2.<\/li>
- Mascot Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Mascot emblem, a Gargoyle’s Stoneplate, and a Malphite.<\/li>
- Mecha: PRIME Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Meca: PRIME emblem, a Bloodthirster, and a Jax.<\/li>
- Ox Force Crown<\/strong>: Gain an Ox Force emblem, a Titan’s Resolve, and an Alistar.<\/li>
- Quickdraw Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having an extra Quickdraw unit. Gain a Jeweled Gauntlet and an Ezreal. <\/li>
- Prankster Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Prankster emblem, a Titan’s Resolve, and a Gnar.<\/li>
- Renegade Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Renegade emblem, a Blood Thirster, and a Camille.<\/li>
- Riftwalker Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Riftwalker emblem, Sparring Gloves, and a Pyke. <\/li>
- Sureshot Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Sureshot emblem, an Infinity Edge, and a Sivir.<\/li>
- Supers Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Supers unit. Gain a Titan’s Resolve and a Lee Sin.<\/li>
- Spellslinger Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Spellslinger emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Sona.<\/li>
- Star Guardian Crown<\/strong>: Gain a Star Guardian emblem, a Tear of the Goddess, and a Nilah. <\/li>
- Underground Soul<\/strong>: Your team counts as having one additional Underground unit. Gain a Zz’Rot Portal, and an Ezreal. <\/li> <\/ul>
Update Dec. 6 1pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT <\/em>Set Eight Augments were adjusted based on changes from Patch 12.23. <\/p>
Update Dec. 14 1:30pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT <\/em>Set Eight Augments were updated following the 12.23 B-patch<\/a>. <\/p>
Update Jan. 1 1pm CT<\/strong>: Set Eight Augment odds were updated with data from to Mortdog<\/a>. <\/p>
Update Feb. 9 11:15am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set Eight Augments were updated for Patch 13.3<\/a>.<\/p>
Update Feb. 22 2:45pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set Eight Augments were updated following Patch 13.4<\/a>. <\/p>
Update March 21 3:45pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT Set 8.5 Augments were updated for Patch 13.6<\/a>.<\/p>
Update April 5 10:25am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated for Patch 13.7<\/a>.<\/p>
Update May 3 11:45am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated following the release of Patch 13.9<\/a>. <\/p>
Update May 19 10:30am CT:<\/strong> All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated following the release of Patch 13.10<\/a>.<\/p>","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"
Update Dec. 6 1pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT <\/em>Set Eight Augments were adjusted based on changes from Patch 12.23. <\/p>
Update Dec. 14 1:30pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT <\/em>Set Eight Augments were updated following the 12.23 B-patch<\/a>. <\/p>
Update Jan. 1 1pm CT<\/strong>: Set Eight Augment odds were updated with data from to Mortdog<\/a>. <\/p>
Update Feb. 9 11:15am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set Eight Augments were updated for Patch 13.3<\/a>.<\/p>
Update Feb. 22 2:45pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set Eight Augments were updated following Patch 13.4<\/a>. <\/p>
Update March 21 3:45pm CT<\/strong>: All TFT Set 8.5 Augments were updated for Patch 13.6<\/a>.<\/p>
Update April 5 10:25am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated for Patch 13.7<\/a>.<\/p>
Update May 3 11:45am CT<\/strong>: All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated following the release of Patch 13.9<\/a>. <\/p>
Update May 19 10:30am CT:<\/strong> All TFT<\/em> Set 8.5 Augments were updated following the release of Patch 13.10<\/a>.<\/p>","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"