Apex Legends <\/em>players can finally hop into Team Deathmatch and try out everything season 16 has to offer. The Revelry update went live today, bringing a new weapon, overhauling legend classes, and celebrating Apex<\/em>‘s fourth anniversary in the same breath.<\/p>
The long-requested Team Deathmatch mode will also debut alongside season 16 and will be available exclusively until March 7. This gives players three weeks to enjoy the mode before the debut of the Mixtape playlist, which will bring Control and Gun Run as a permanent, LTM-filled addition that will take the place of Arenas.<\/p>
March 7 should mark the beginning of the Imperial Guard collection event too, based on an official tweet<\/a>. Respawn Entertainment will also bring another two collection events after the Imperial Guard event: Sun Squad and Veiled. It’s unclear when these will go live or what their theme will be, however.<\/p>