https:\/\/\/Edward1562\/status\/1643684057379921921 <\/div><\/figure>
The new event takes place from April 13 to April 17 and focuses on the leader of Team Mystic, Blanche. There will be a Special Research called A Mystic Hero that will lead to a Lapras that is wearing a Blanche-themed accessory. Players can even catch it Shiny if they’re lucky. In addition, there are bonuses such as double XP for evolving Pok\u00e9mon, two guaranteed Candy XL for evolving Pok\u00e9mon, and three-hour-long Lure Modules. <\/p>
There will also be some new Field Research tasks that focus on catching and evolving Pok\u00e9mon which reward Stardust and Evolution items, and there is a Timed Research that will reward a Magnetic Lure. <\/p>