Although most people consider League of Legends<\/em> a free-to-play game, droves of summoners are convinced that the popular MOBA still siphons plenty of cash from its dedicated fanbase through the countless, well-designed skins Riot Games has to offer for every champion.<\/p>
These skins range in price and quality, going from the standard Epic tier skins priced at 1,350 RP to the most expensive skins. These special cosmetics are placed on the Ultimate tier and are priced at a whopping 3,250 RP (around $25 USD).<\/p>
From a new model that evolves into different forms, new skin textures, animations and visuals, on top of a full voiceline set and unique sound effects, a ton of work is put into these skins by the Riot cosmetic team. They do fetch a hefty sum, but they are some of the most eye-catching skins you’ll see on the Rift.<\/p>