Revenant isn\u2019t as distant from the Apex Games as some players may think.<\/p>
Respawn revealed Forge as the next character<\/a> to join the fight in Apex Legends\u2019 <\/em>season four yesterday, but data miner That1MiningGuy suggests there\u2019s more to the story. He found<\/a> a full-fledged picture of the robotic legend Revenant hidden in the EA Answers website.<\/p>
Most of the community believed Revenant would be the next character added to the roster due to Respawn\u2019s focus on him. He hosted the Shadowfall limited-time mode during the Fight or Fright event and was briefly shown in the trailer<\/a>. The developer team opted to announce Forge instead.<\/p>
Apex\u2019s<\/em> season four is called \u201cAssimilation\u201d and will be divided into two splits. The first six weeks will be fought in an updated version of World\u2019s Edge, but Kings Canyon is making a return<\/a> in late March. The developers teased that Hammond Robotics, Forge\u2019s corporate sponsor, may be involved with the upcoming changes to World\u2019s Edge, the arena for the first part of the season. <\/p>
Revenant could follow Forge into the Apex Games and be released in the midseason split with the return of Kings Canyon. Another possible hypothesis is that the legend will launch as soon as season four goes live. Data miners appear to have uncovered<\/a> Valentine\u2019s Day quips for Revenant, which point to his presence in early February.<\/p>
The image found by That1MiningGuy may not be the only reference to Revenant on EA\u2019s websites. Shortly after Respawn revealed Forge, players found an image<\/a> that resembles the legend\u2019s shape hidden in the background of the official season four web page.<\/p>