Mid-scope updates are all the rage in League of Legends <\/em>this year. After Olaf<\/a> and Taliyah both received mid-scope updates in Patch 12.9, several other champions, including Rell and Swain<\/a>, are both on Riot Games’ high-priority list for a mini-rework.<\/p>
A mid-scope update<\/a> is not classified as a total rework or update to a champion. Instead, it focuses on a handful of abilities, tweaking them slightly to improve the champions\u2019 competitive viability. In the past, champions like Xin Zhao and Lucian were targeted with mid-scope updates to revitalize and alter the way they were played, particularly on the professional stage.\u00a0<\/p>
Here are five League <\/em>champions we believe are in need of a mid-scope update.\u00a0<\/p>