The concept of proficiency is relatively straightforward. Your character will waste a lot of energy when they start doing anything. Increasing proficiency reduces the energy required to complete tasks over time. The energy required to perform some tasks decreases by .1 with each skill increase. Since watering cans use two energy at level 0, they will only use one energy at level 10. To get better at anything you do in Stardew Valley<\/em>, you must level up your skills.<\/p>
As you level up each skill, you can unlock professions. You can unlock your first profession at level five, and then you can unlock more professions that branch from there at level 10. Having a profession just makes certain tasks easier that involve that skill. It is possible to switch professions later in the game, but it is costly, so you should read them carefully before making your decision.<\/p>
Below, you’ll find how to increase each skill, what rewards come with increasing skills, and the various professions you can earn from skills.<\/p>