Over the last few patches, League of Legends<\/em> players have had to adjust to a plethora of revamped items in the store that has shaken up the meta for multiple roles. There are also a few champions that have quickly become solo queue stompers, taking over as priority picks on Summoner’s Rift.<\/p>
One champion, for example, has bugged plenty of high-rank players in solo queue with how effective he can be at finding isolated opponents and absolutely decimating them.<\/p>
Through Patch 13.10, Kha’Zix has quickly climbed the ranks as the most-played and most-banned jungler in the game, racking up a whopping 18.7 percent pick rate, a jaw-dropping 48.6 percent ban rate, and an impressive 52.2 percent win rate among Platinum ranked players and higher, according to League<\/em> stats aggregate Oracle’s Elixir<\/a>.<\/p>