The Elder Scrolls Online remains one of the top-played MMORPGs in 2024, garnering millions of players. While the game has recovered gracefully from its rocky start, that doesn’t mean some hiccups don’t still occur—the game’s servers can often go down without any warning.
As with any online-only game, the servers are required to be functional if you want to connect and play ESO. The developers usually do a terrific job at ensuring the servers stay online a majority of the time, but there’s still scheduled maintenance and other times when the servers aren’t working properly as the game has to handle millions of players, especially in the wake of its yearly expansion releases. When these happen, you need to know how to check the server status of ESO so you know when they come back online.

It’s never too early to celebrate! That seems to be the rationale behind The Elder Scrolls Online‘s latest update, which sees the experimental Golden Pursuit system return for round two. If you don’t want to wait for the New Life event to earn festive rewards, look no further.
Golden Pursuits are a bit of an odd feature, but certainly not an unwelcome one; any avenue to earn rewards for free is a good thing, after all. They are, in essence, limited-time optional objectives that any player can compete to earn unique rewards, a little bit like a battle pass but mercifully without having to put money down up front. You’re automatically opted in and probably even earning rewards without realizing it! To check the current list of Golden Pursuits or claim any rewards you’ve accrued, simply open up your group menu (which will be colored gold to clue you in).

Brighter Shores offers several great playable classes which expand gameplay in many positive ways, but each has their own disadvantages, too.
As the game is currently in early access, it can be difficult to find information on every faction, so it can be hard to decipher which is right for you. Here are all the details you should know about the playable factions in Brighter Shores.

Tuning your weapons and armor in Brighter Shores allows you to equip your untuned gear from your inventory, but you will need to fix the Obelisk by finding the missing spike.
Here’s everything you need to know about finding the missing Obelisk spike in Brighter Shores.

Brighter Shores offers a rich and intricate profession system. If you’re hoping to level up key professions like Foraging, you need to pick up profession tools like Secateurs as soon as they become available—but finding them is easier said than done as a new player.
Here’s how to find Secateurs in Brighter Shores, where to find the shop, and how to reach the required level quickly. Be warned—you will need at least 13 silver and 200 copper to get Secateurs, so looking into other professions as a money-making route is advisable.

As part of The Lost Shipment questline in Brighter Shores, players are tasked with finding a mysterious fish known as the Fetid Flounder without any indication of where it is or how to get it.
It’s hard not to see players running around the world in various fishing spots, asking others where the Fetid Flounder is. It’s become a bit of a meme in the community because of how difficult it is to find, as well as the amount of grinding you need to do to get it.

While obtaining weapons and various armor in Brighter Shores, you’re bound to find some untuned equipment that you won’t be able to use in the Hopeport region. To equip these weapons and armor on your character, you must tune them using the Obelisk.
Here’s everything you need to know to start tuning your weapons and armor in Brighter Shores.

The Obelisk in Brighter Shores is a crucial quest that you need to complete to use the Obelisk, which is required to tune your weapons and armor.
Here is everything you need to know about completing the Obelisk quest in Brighter Shores.

Like most MMORPGs, Brighter Shores is best enjoyed with friends. It’s a vast point-and-click game with plenty of interesting areas to explore, and adding people to your friends list will make the experience even more enjoyable.
Adding friends in the game isn’t the most intuitive task, though, especially as a new player. Here’s how to add and join friends in Brighter Shores, including how to adjust your privacy settings.

Bacon and Bread are two of the basic ingredients you need to begin your quest to become a master chef in Brighter Shores, but despite how hard you might look for a pig to slaughter or wheat to make bread, nothing seems to work out.
Despite being a relatively common ingredient, many players find it hard to find them even though the answer is in plain sight. The game sadly does a bad job of telling you what to do, so unless you know exactly where to go, it can take a while to discover the items you need.