In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, weather can have a huge impact on a Pokémon’s damage output and move pool. It can be a powerful tool outside of battle, too. Some interesting evolutions are tied to specific weather conditions in the game, like rainstorms.
To help you add rain-loving critters to your team, here’s a breakdown of where and when it rains in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, with tips on how to make the most of this weather condition.

Pokémon HOME’s highly-anticipated Scarlet and Violet update, which will finally allow players to transfer Pokémon to the Gen IX titles, has been given a new release date. It will now release on May 30 after some preparatory maintenance.
Fans initially thought it was going to release on Tuesday, May 23 because The Pokémon Company said so in an official announcement on its English social media channels. It turns out, however, this was a mistake, and fans weren’t happy about it. They feared it could have been because the new feature was unfinished.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s latest Tera Raid Battle Event featuring Great Tusk and Iron Treads appears to be causing crashes, according to player reports on May 18. It’s believed to be a result of the game trying to get the TM Material for Paradox Pokémon, which doesn’t exist.
The same issue happened once before during the Walking Wake and Iron Leaves Tera Raid Battle Event on Feb. 28, but this time, it actually shows the item appearing as ‘None’ in the rewards list before crashing. Joe Merrick, the webmaster of the popular Serebii website, believes it’s bad enough to warrant an imminent fix.

The next Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Tera Raid Battle Event will feature Chesnaught, the Grass and Fighting-type starter Pokémon introduced in Generation VI who evolves from Chespin and Quilladin. The event’s first wave will occur between May 12 and 14, followed by a second one a week later between May 19 and 21.
Like other starters from previous generations that have headlined Tera Raid Battle Events, it will be a Seven-Star Raid—the hardest and most extreme tier.

Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have confirmed the next major Pokémon Scarlet and Violet patch is available now, and they’ve released a full list of the patch notes to highlight everything that’s changed.
As promised, the patch fixed a bug that caused trainers to catch an Egg instead of Walking Wake and Iron leaves in the Tera Rad Battle Event. They will also be able to catch these Pokémon via a re-run event that dropped alongside the update.

The Pokémon core series has remained popular after 30 years without much change—it’s simple, fun, it works, and there’s no shortage of new Pokémon to catch. But as players have pointed out many times, there’s always room to improve, especially when it comes to the lack of compelling endgame content, which is always a hot topic.
Game Freak has been working on endgame features, including adding more things for players to do after finishing Scarlet and Violet. For example, they can rematch gym leaders, participate in the repeatable Ace Academy tournament, and more.

Niantic couldn’t escape the wrath of scorned Pokémon Go fans drowning out their latest event announcement by spamming #HearUsNiantic in support of the Remote Raid Pass boycott. And, on a similar note, other fans are confused about when Niantic is planning to deliver on their promise to re-run the Regidrago Elite Raid event that was tainted by connectivity issues.
In other news, a competitive-ready Palafin based on the one a decored VCG pro has been using in the latest season will be available in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet via Mystery Gift this weekend.

The controversial Remote Raid Pass changes in Pokémon Go are going live in a matter of days, and fans are taking one last stand in the form of a social media movement to make their voices and opinions heard by Niantic.
In other news, the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet TCG debut has gotten off to a rocky start after fans started noticing quality control issues on some of the cards, including ultra rare ones.

The fateful day in which the controversial Pokémon Go Remote Raid Pass changes come into effect is fast approaching, and players fear it could be the beginning of a massive player count decline.
In other news, Nintendo and Game Freak still haven’t addressed a problematic bug that is corrupting saved game data in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet to the point where players can’t continue their journeys.

Pokémon Go players have theorized that Niantic anticipated how the community would respond to the maligned Remote Raid Pass changes, which included a price-hike, and planned accordingly with plans that would make them extra money.
In other news, a statistically sound Ditto is coming to Scarlet and Violet Tera Raids soon thanks to the latest Battle Event, and it’s the perfect chance for breeders to seize one for themselves.