Pok\u00e9mon Go\u2019s <\/em>first full season of content for 2024 is underway, with the World of Wonders bringing more Pok\u00e9mon debuts, new Shiny encounters, special events, and exclusive seasonal content that will eventually disappear. This includes the World of Wonders Special Research,<\/strong> and all of Ultra Beast content hidden within.<\/p>
Running from March 1 to June 1<\/strong>, the World of Wonders is Pok\u00e9mon Go\u2019s<\/em><\/a> <\/em>14th season of content and celebrates the \u201cwonders\u201d of Pok\u00e9mon through events introducing <\/strong>Charcadet<\/strong><\/a> and <\/strong>Poipole<\/strong><\/a> to the game<\/strong>. Raids are also being prioritized<\/strong><\/a> more this time with seasonal bonuses, which means you do double damage when raiding with friends and get increased experience from one and three-star raids all season long.<\/p>